Dec 22, 2022
Hello Families, We enjoyed another fun week in Grade 1! Literacy * I can connect to a story. We read so many lovely books this week. Ask your child to share their favourite text we read and have them tell you the beginning, middle and ending. What was their favourite part? Did anything surprise them? Thank you to all of the families that have sent in Christmas books. As a class, we enjoyed reading them. Math This week we practiced solving open-ended word problems in a variety of ways. Check out our toy and ornament problems below. Critical Thinking: represent numbers concretely, pictorially and symbolically Problem Solving: demonstrate counting strategies, develop a plan to use 11 wheels Managing Information: use counting in at least two ways, to show the plan will work Communication: apply reading, writing and mathematics as they interpret and solve a problem * I can explain my understanding. * I can use manipulatives or pictures to solve a problem. * I can reche...