Dec 16, 2022

 Hello Families,

We enjoyed another exciting week in Grade 1!

* I can set learning goals for literacy. 

We love to write! This week students were encouraged to expand upon the group-generated idea and include increased details in their picture. 
Literacy success criteria included:
1) Drawing (with increased details)
2) Colouring (4 + colours and neatness)
3) Punctuation (sentences end with a period)
4) Printing (correct letter formation, letters sitting on the line, letters are appropriately sized)
5) Spacing (appropriate spaces between words)
6) Spelling (inventive spelling that the student can read to themselves, high-frequency words spelled correctly including like, the)

Self-assessment drawing rubric:

This week we reviewed many concepts in math. Students were supported to check their work for accuracy and completion.
* I can recognize quantities up to 10.
* I can create, reproduce and extend patterns. I can check my work for accuracy.
* I compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects in the environment. 
We also played number games with a partner and reviewed more or less concepts which supported our entry into addition exploration. Have your child practice addition to 10 at home. A fun way to do this is to have them create a grocery list. If we buy 2 boxes of cereal and 3 oranges how many items will we buy?

Student Voice

* I can share my ideas in a large group.
"I learned about equalling numbers in math." -Oliver
"We did our journals and finger spaces." -Laila
"I liked learning to spell by myself using my brain." -Ava
"I liked learning about coding." -Jacob
"I learned about 10 frames in math." -Connor
"I learned about adding more words to my sentences." -Everly

* I can create a community classroom art piece.
Check out our snowman bulletin board below. There is "snow" place like Sibbald during the holidays!

Maker Space
* I can recheck my ideas for accuracy and change my plan. 
Wow! We love learning new things. Students explored coding. The app we use is called, "Lightbot". Lightbot is a strategy and thinking game in which students use programmer-style logic to tell a robot how to light up all the blue tiles in a level. 

Before beginning in the maker space, we reviewed perseverance and discussed our willingness to try new things despite tasks being challenging.

Classroom Update
Next week is full of school spirit days, check out the fun below!

  • December 19th – dress in green (Grumpy Grinch Day)
  • December 20th – dress in your favourite festive funky hat/headwear
  • December 21st – dress in your favourite silly sweater
  • December 22nd – dress in your PJs and bring a stuffy

Have a wonderful weekend!


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