Oct 28, 2022
Hello Families, We enjoyed another exciting week in Grade 1! Literacy * I can set learning goals for literacy. Our journals this week focused on Halloween. Students worked on giving each other feedback to improve their work. Success criteria included: 1. Copying student generated sentences (e.g. I am) 2. Rereading the sentences 3. Creating a detailed picture that matched the writing 4. Illustration and writing were neat (letters on the line etc). Math * I can count on. This week we began exploring numbers. We read the story "The Napping House" and drew a picture of the people in our homes. We labeled them and identified how many feet are in our house. Ask your child to share how many feet are in their house (pets included). Student Voice *I can talk with others about something recently learned. "I learned about finger spaces in my journal. We need them or you can't read our words."-Casen "This week I practiced spelling words with my eyes closed." -Ad...