Oct 6, 2022

Hello Families,

We enjoyed another wonderful week in Grade 1!


* I can set learning goals for literacy.

Daily, students engage in writing tasks. This week we worked on printing "I can" sentences. Check out our work below. 

Success criteria included:

1. Name on the page (proper case letter usage)

2. Detailed colored picture

3. 3 "I can" sentences

4. Reread their work independently

* I can experiment with letters and sounds to create new words.

Each day we review letters of the alphabet. We sing songs, practice printing, and find things in the room that start with the letter of the day. Letters this week include P, Q, R and S. Have your child practice the alphabet song at home. Daily, students take books home to share with you. Please ensure these books are brought back so that they can take another. Have your child see if they can recognize letters or words in their community (eg. STOP sign). Raz-Kids is another helpful literacy website to support your child's reading at home.

We have begun to work on decodable texts, identifying word families, and practicing large group read alouds. This week words we focused on included: like, and, yes, am word family. Many students enjoyed reading the practiced text to their peers in the large group. Way to go Grade 1 friends!


* I can represent a repeating pattern in a different way.

Patterns are all around us! This week students reflected on where they can spot patterns (eg. clothing, pictures, nature). We reviewed what "pattern core" means and why it is important. Have your child create 3 different patterns at home, label them alphabetically and identify the core.


* I can identify how to be a good friend.

This week students have reflected on the "group plan" and why it is important. Students are recognizing that they need to be aware of their actions and the impact on others when engaging in the classroom, activities routines, and transitions. 

* I can contribute to my classroom in meaningful ways.

Some areas of focus this week included:

1. Putting our belongings away 

2. Selecting a "just right learning spot"

3. Treating our classmates with kindness

4. Taking care of our classroom (cleaning up)

5. Asking questions for clarification or support

Classroom Update

Picture Day: Individual and classroom photos were taken this week. Retakes will be available in November.

Labeled Items: Please ensure your child's items are labeled. Many things scatter throughout our day. It is more likely to be returned if it is labeled.

No School: October 7th & October 10th

Field Trips: A sign up link to volunteer will be sent out in the coming days. 

Fire Hall- Postponed until Friday November 18th 

Fish Creek Park- Friday October 14th, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! 


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