Oct 14, 2022

Hello Families,

We enjoyed another fun week in Grade 1!


* I can set learning goals for literacy.

Wow! We began writing in our journals this week. Students reviewed letters on the line, finger spaces, and sounding out sight words out (e.g. like, can see). Students then reflected on their work and gave each other feedback. 

* I can experiment with letters and sounds to create new words.

Each day we review letters of the alphabet. We sing songs, practice printing, and find things in the room that start with the letter of the day. Letters this week include T, U, V and W. Have your child practice the alphabet song at home. Daily, students take books home to share with you. Please ensure these books are brought back so that they can take another. Have your child see if they can recognize letters or words in their community (eg. STOP sign). Raz-Kids is another helpful literacy website to support your child's reading at home.


* I can demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to four elements).

Students worked in pairs to create patterns from pattern blocks or other materials of their choice. Player 1 created a repeating pattern and then removed one term (not from the first core), leaving a gap where the term was. Player 1 showed the pattern to Player 2 and told Player 2 the core. Player 2 had to identify the missing term. Players then exchanged roles and repeated.

Social Studies

* I value the group and community to which I belong.

This week we enjoyed exploring who works in our school. Students created pictures of Andrew Sibbald staff in their visual journals. We reviewed staff roles and how our community brings us together.


* I can draw using different tools (markers, paint, pencils).

This week we created "Fall Gnomes". Students designed their gnome's hat to create a pattern. Ask your child about their pattern. Check out our work below.

Field Trip

* I can describe seasonal weather changes.

We had a fantastic time on our Fish Creek Park field trip! We enjoyed a scavenger hunt, exploring nature and talking about things we notice (e.g. weather, colours, textures). Ask your child to share their favourite part of the trip.

Student Voice

We attended a fabulous assembly hosted by the Grade 5 students. This assembly taught us all about Terry Fox. Below are some of the positive messages we shared with Grade 5 to let them know they did a great job! 

"You were the best telling us information." -Oliver
"Thank you for being such great students!" -Everly
"Thanks for the assembly." -Kendrick
"Thank you for singing the Terry Fox song." -Charlotte

Have a great weekend!


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