May 19, 2023

Hello Families,

Wow! We had another exciting week of learning Grade 1. Have a fantastic long weekend and enjoy the sunshine. Thank you to the families who joined us at the Parent Council Meeting on Wednesday evening. 

-Andrew Sibbald Parent Association, our school’s fundraising body, will be hosting a bottle drive on May 24th in support of our school’s purchase of a Gaga Ball Pit for the school grounds. Thank you to the Parent Association, we truly appreciate your time and efforts.
-Library: the last checkout day will be June 9th and a final return date of June 16th

Coming Up at Sibbald  
Victoria Day – May 22nd  
Big Brave Event – May 26th (9:00 – 11:00)  
PD Day – May 29th  
Volunteer Tea – June 2nd (10:00 – Invite & RSVP required) 
Fun Snack – June 2nd  
We continued to focus on kindness and community. Our "Kindness Catchers" were on the lookout. Weston caught Laila helping others in the classroom. Laila caught Addison offering others support and seeing if anyone needed help. Addison caught Madison waiting her turn. Madison caught Gemma being a great friend.
*I can express my feelings in a healthy way.

Big Brave
I am truly blown away by our Grade 1 classroom. This week we further reviewed Terry Fox, Camp Kindle, and The Big Brave. I have typed out some of our journal entries to share. Students are also doing a fantastic job practicing our Big Brave song "We Got This!"

This week students learned about the plant life cycle. Sunny things are growing in Grade 1! Thank you to Jennifer who volunteered to help paint plant pots. Thank you to Ava and Edie who organized our class to help plant sunflower seeds. Your time and leadership are appreciated.
*I can identify what plants need to survive.
*I can describe how plants adapt.

That's a wrap! Our watercolor portfolios have come to an end. The progress in detail, shape, effort, and color usage is incredible! This week our watercolor portfolios included: 
-W is for Walrus
-X is for Xylophone
-Y is for Yak
-Z is for Zebra

Some of the writing prompts this week included:
-All about walruses
-All about camping
-All about Terry Fox, The Big Brave & Camp Kindle

Social Studies
Our Social Studies journals continue to guide how we see ourselves in our community. This week we focused on:

N is for Now and Then: *I can recognize how families and communities have been different in the past than they are today.
-Students created family portraits. We reviewed that our families change over time. Families can grow or become smaller and change in a variety of ways. 

O is for Oh Canada: *I can acknowledge and respect symbols of heritage and traditions in families and communities.
-We reflected on the Canadian flag and the importance of the "Maple Leaf". We also drew a picture of Terry Fox to represent a Canadian hero and the tradition of celebrating his legacy.

P is for Problem-Solving: *I can identify ways to cooperate in order to live together peacefully.
-Students reflected on a problem they have faced and provided 4 unique solutions to solve that problem.

This week students enjoyed playing a subtraction game called "Roll & Graph".
*I can apply addition strategies to 12.

Student Voice
"I liked playing a new addition math game." -Kendrick
"In Gym we played tag games." -Olive
"I learned about animals in our watercolour portfolios." -Everly
"I practiced writing 5 sentences or more." -Edie
"I learned how to write stories in my journal." -Casen
"I learned more about Terry Fox." -Ava
"I liked learning about yaks." -Connor

This is Us

Have a wonderful weekend!


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