April 7, 2023

Hello Families,

We enjoyed another week of learning Grade 1. I hope everyone had a fun Spring Break! Thank you to the families who emailed pictures of your child and the exciting things they engaged in during the break. Our classroom is well travelled! 

Classroom Updates
-April 7, 2023 Good Friday No School
-April 10, 2023 PD Day No School
-Please send in library books on Tuesday April 11, 2023 for book exchange.
-We have discontinued yellow reading folders. A new (blue) home reading sheet is in your child's zippered folder. Please return folders daily so that students can return/select new home reading books. Each day a variety of school work, notices etc are sent home. Our classroom folders enable students to keep track of their materials and not have them get lost in the shuffle of the hallway, daycare, bottom of backpack etc. 
-We are using a literacy APP in the classroom. It is called Lalilo. Login information was sent home this week.
-Another useful literacy APP is Raz-Kids. Login information was sent home this week.
-Please return the school form letting us know if your child will be returning to Andrew Sibbald for the 2023/2024 school year. The form was sent home in folders on Tuesday. 

* I can set learning goals for literacy.
* I can generate ideas that can be expressed through messages.

We love to write! This week students were encouraged to expand upon their ideas and include increased detail in their picture and add descriptive vocabulary to their work. Students used a self-assessment rubric to ensure all task components were completed. Students also used a personal word wall to check their high frequency spelling words for accuracy. 

Some of the writing prompts this week included:
-On Spring Break I...
-In Spring I see, I hear, I smell, I touch, I taste...
-Friendship Writing

Check out our journal entries below.

Novel Study
Students began their "Robot Journals" and focused on content organization. Students created a table of contents, title page and drew a picture of Roz. 
* I can use knowledge of print, pictures, book covers and title pages to construct and confirm meaning.
* I can identify the title and author or creator of a variety of digital or non-digital messages.

Social Studies
We began a new Social Studies inquiry this week. Students were excited to start making their ABC Social Studies journals. Through inquiry into their social, physical, cultural and linguistic environments, students reflected on themselves as part of the larger world. They were given opportunities to share their personal stories and explore traditions and symbols that are reflected in their groups or communities. They enhanced their understanding of the diverse needs of others and how they contribute as individuals to the well-being of the groups to which they belong. Students explored roles and responsibilities they have as citizen in schools, groups, and their own communities. They were encouraged to care for the natural environment and to show concern for other people in their relationships, groups and communities. Students were given opportunities to further develop self-esteem by examining their own identity in relationship to groups and communities. Learning about the well-being, growth and vitality of the diverse groups to which they belong helped build the foundations of active and responsible citizenship.

A is for Alberta. * I can identify where my community is on a map or globe.

Check out our rubric below.
We continued our exploration of "Math Talks". This week we learned a new game called "Follow the Path". Students were eager to share their ideas and compare/contrast their answers. They worked together to recheck their answers for accuracy.
*I can gather data by sharing answers to questions.

We also explored fact families. A "Fact Family" is a collection of related addition and subtraction facts made from the same numbers. For example, for the numbers 7, 8, and 15, the addition/subtraction fact family consists of 7 + 8 = 15, 8 + 7 = 15, 15 - 8 = 7, 15 - 7 = 8. Have your child practice fact families under 15 at home.

The Easter Bunny came to visit Grade 1! He provided a mathematical scavenger hunt. Fun was had by all. 
This Is Us

Student Voice

"Every child is an artist!"-Pablo Picasso 
Our watercolour portfolios are coming to life! 

This week students drew: 
-C is for Camel
-D is for Dragon
-E is for Elephant 

Each day we learn about the animal we are drawing. Have your child share a fact they know about the above animals.

Student Voice
Wow! A new collaborative art piece in the office hallway is bringing spirit and inclusive energy into Andrew Sibbald. Thanks to all of the students who shared messages that were included in these designs.
Have a wonderful weekend!


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