April 21, 2023

Hello Families,

We enjoyed another exciting week of learning Grade 1. 

Wow! Swimming was a blast. Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who supported our two Grade 1 classrooms. This experience wouldn't have been possible without you. We know how busy parents are and that you rearranged your days to make this work. We truly appreciate your time and patience. Also, a big thank you to the staff at Canyon Meadows Pool. We saw overall confidence, persistence and independence flourish this week! 
* I can participate in physical activity in a variety of contexts to improve well being.

Kristen has sent out a sign up link for opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. More dates will be sent out in mid-May. If you did not receive this link please connect with the office to ensure we have all of your updated clearance paperwork. 

Leighton Center
On May 2nd we will be attending the Leighton Centre. Please send in the completed field trip form if you have not already done so. Thank you for so many offers to join us and volunteer. We are only able to take a certain amount of volunteers with us on this field trip. The following parents will be joining us: 
Kristen, Nicole, Robin and Christine. 

* I can set learning goals for literacy.
* I can generate ideas that can be expressed through messages.
Some of the writing prompts this week included:
-At the farm...
-In the forest...
-All about lions...

Social Studies
Our Social Studies journals are filling with our great ideas and showcase a sense of pride in our work. 
The entries this week included:

F is for Family. *I can recognize how my ancestors contribute to my sense of identity within my family and community.
-Students created a family tree.

G is for Globe. *I can find my community on a map or globe.
-Students drew a globe. Ask your child the 2 components when looking at a globe (land and water).
We continued our exploration of "Math Talks". Mrs. McKay showed us a new website where we work as a group to solve math problems. "The Daily SET Puzzle" challenges patience, collaboration, problem solving and supports questioning. 

This week our watercolour portfolios included: 
-I is for Iguana
-J is for Jellyfish
-K is for Kangaroo
-L is for Lion

Around Sibbald
Thank you to our fabulous Lilly in Grade 5 and Mrs. Sampson who hosted and organized a craft for our students on Monday at lunch. They enjoyed making some spring art and spending time in a different classroom.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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