Sept 8, 2022

Wow! What an incredible week of learning. Grade One students enjoyed exploring their new classroom, routines and making new friendships.

Some of the learning intentions for this week included:

Literacy (Read alouds, group participation, creating and labeling an illustration). 

* I can look at a variety of features that help clarify messages.

* I can practise listening and speaking skills through sharing oral stories.

* I can ask questions to clarify information during discussions.

* I can listen to and follow two-step instructions.

Social Studies (Terry Fox discussion)

* I can recognize the needs of others might be different from my own.

Physical Education (Large group safety, stop/go games, body awareness)

* I can preform movements within a group safely.

* I can demonstrate practices that support fair play.

Math (Patterns)

* I can reproduce and extend patterns.

Classroom Update

-Students took "snuggle up and read books" home this week. Please return these books daily. Support your child by asking them WH questions and engaging in retell, sharing favourite parts and making predictions. 

-We have had many parents offer to volunteer in the classroom. Our sign up schedule will be up in early October. Thank you, we can't wait to see you!

-School conferences are fast approaching, I look forward to meeting with you then!


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