Sept 23, 2022

Hello Families!

Grade One students have had another fabulous week full of wonder and excitement.

Physical Education (Terry Fox)
* I can participate in physical activity in a variety of contexts to improve well-being. 
What an incredible day to celebrate and honour Terry Fox. Thank you to all of the families that joined us. 

* I can identify a missing element in a repeating pattern or cycle. 
Patterns, patterns, patterns. This week we realized patterns are everywhere! Have your child draw and label 3 different patterns at home. Can they find patterns in their environment?

Social Studies
I can appreciate multiple points of view, languages, cultures and experiences within groups and communities.
We continue to explore Orange Shirt day and Truth and Reconciliation. Have your child share 2 facts they have learned about Orange Shirt Day.

* I can express my feelings in a healthy way.
We continue to explore our anchor text "Finding Muchness" by Kobi Yamada. Students will reflect on how we find muchness in our classroom and school community during the school year. Some of the quotes we formed connections to and illustrated this week included:
"Lose yourself in what you love. Find yourself there too."
"If in doubt, love more. The heart is much like a balloon: the fuller it becomes, the more it wants to fly."
"It isn't, it isn't, it isn't... until it is. Determination creates its own possibilities."
"How you do one thing is how you do everything. And anything worth doing is worth doing well." 

* I can experiment with letters and sounds to create new words.
Each day we review letters of the alphabet. We sing songs, practice printing, and find things in the room that start with the letter of the day. Letters this week include H, I, J and K. Have your child practice the alphabet song at home. Daily, students take books home to share with you. Please ensure these books are brought back so that they can take another. 

Each day students work on sounding out CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant). These mini sheets are sent home with your child. Please review with your child how to sound out the 3-letter words. Students also work on "word work" where they sort alphabet items/word families. Reviewing these concepts at home will build your child's confidence to sound out words when we begin writing in journals. 

* I can use shapes in art.
Students are currently working on various directed drawings. We use our self-assessment rubric to ensure all task components have been completed. These components include:
1. Eyes watching/ears listening
2. Neat pictures
3. Completed in the allotted time
4. Picture is just the "right size"
Classroom Update

Conferences: It was a pleasure to meet with all families during conferences. Thank you for sharing so much valuable information about your child. I look forward to a great year together! 

Library Books: Please return library books on Thursdays.

Terry Fox: Wow! Thank you so much for your generosity. Students enjoyed counting toonies using skip counting.

Literacy Website: 

Have a wonderful weekend!


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