Hello Families,

Wow! We had another fantastic week of learning Grade 1. Happy Mother's Day to all of our wonderful Grade 1 Moms! 

-Andrew Sibbald Parent Association, our school’s fundraising body, will be hosting a bottle drive on May 24th in support of our school’s purchase of a Gaga Ball Pit for the school grounds. Thank you to the Parent Association, we truly appreciate your time and efforts.

Coming Up at Sibbald  
School Council Meeting – May 17th (Grade 1) 
Victoria Day – May 22nd  
Big Brave Event – May 26th (9:00 – 11:00)  
PD Day – May 29th  
Volunteer Tea – June 2nd (10:00 – Invite & RSVP required) 
Fun Snack – June 2nd  
We continued to focus on kindness and community. Our "Kindness Catchers" were on the lookout. Charlotte caught Casen acting as a leader, cleaning up, and treating others respectfully. Casen caught Jacob being helpful. Jacob caught Connor spreading joy to his friends.

We are actors! What a wonderful experience. We would like to thank our fabulous Trickster crew for joining us at Andrew Sibbald School this week. A special thank you to Logan our classroom "Trickster" who fostered a sense of community through play, exploration, and imagination. The students were so proud to share their story and their efforts. 
* I can express feeling and ideas through drama.
* I can create and perform within my classroom community.
* I can take risks and persevere when I am challenged.
Your child documented their Trickster journey in a mini book. These books were sent home on Friday. Please have your child share their book and highlights from their week!

I am proud that I...
"Got to put on a play."
"Did every acting formation."
"That I have had patience."

Next time I would like to be able to...
"Try different parts."
"Try to get to my formations faster."

My advice to other kids who get to work with a Trickster is...
"To face your fears."
"Be dramatic."
"To believe in what you are acting."

This week our watercolor portfolios included: 
-T is for Turtle
-U is for Umbrella
-V is for Venus Fly Trap

Some of the writing prompts this week included:
-All about turtles
-All about dragons
-All about Venus fly traps

Novel Study
Our novel study is leading to so many important discussions. Our main character Roz is learning about feelings, connecting with others, and most recently adopting a baby gosling. Students were eager to share how their families are similar and different to Roz and her family.
* I can make personal connections to a text.
* I can appreciate multiple points of view.

Social Studies
Our Social Studies journals continue to guide how we see ourselves in our community. This week we focused on:

M is for Maps: *I can locate my community on a map or a globe.
-Students reviewed where they live. They also had to test their problem-solving skills by coloring a mini-map using a chart.

This week we focused on voting. During Trickster students were given many decisions. To solve these decisions in their group they had to vote. We discussed more, less, and equal. 
*I can investigate equal and unequal quantities, including using a balance model. 

Student Voice
"I liked Trickster because it was fun to act." -Kendrick
"I liked getting a speaking part in Trickster." -Bruce
"I loved learning new things this week." -Gemma
"It is fun to see who the Kindness Catcher will spot." -Addison

Have a wonderful weekend!


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