Hello Families,

We enjoyed another wonderful week of learning Grade 1. 

-Our 19th Annual Big Brave event, in support of Kids Cancer Care, will take place on Friday, May 26th in the main gym.  Students attended an assembly on Monday, May 1st to kick off the event.  On Tuesday, May 2nd students that were interested in participating in the Big Brave brought home an expression of interest letter for parents/guardians to sign.  Thank you for your continued support of this amazing event. We are very excited for May 26th! A special thanks to Ms. Hatchette, Ms. Craik, Mrs. Sampson, Mr. Newman and Mrs. Drever for organizing this event!

-Andrew Sibbald Parent Association, our school’s fundraising body, will be hosting a bottle drive on May 24th in support of our school’s purchase of a Gaga Ball Pit for the school grounds. Thank you to the Parent Association, we truly appreciate your time and efforts.

We continued to focus on kindness and community. Our "Kindness Catchers" were on the lookout. Edie was caught by Gabby and Kayden including others, being helpful and acting as a leader. Edie caught Ava acting as leader, sharing her ideas and always doing her best. Ava caught Charlotte who always offers to help and cheers people on. We are excited to see who we catch next week!

This week our watercolour portfolios included: 
-R is for Rabbit
-S is for Seahorse

We are artists! This week students began making their Father's Day gifts. Thank you to our volunteers who supported this project (Jessica, Kristen, Liz, and Anne). Your time is appreciated. 
*I can create texture in art.
*I can layer shapes and forms to create art.
*I can self-reflect on my artwork and add finishing touches
*I can sculpt using a variety of materials (folding, rolling, cutting, pinching, twisting)
Our rubric below help align our learning intentions.

Leighton Center
Students enjoyed this field trip and riding the school bus! They created wire sculpture trees, completed nature sketches and explored the museum. Thank you the staff at the Leighton Center and our fabulous volunteers for spending the day with us (Kristen, Christine, Nicole and Robin).
*I can identify materials used.
*I can demonstrate a positive attitude towards Science.
*I can identify commonalities between natural objects or forms.

Some of the writing prompts this week included:
-All about rabbits
-All about seahorses
-All about our fabulous Moms

Students continue to work on fact recall, adding details and descriptive vocabulary to their work. Have your child write about their favourite animal at home. See if they can use 5 sentences, a detailed picture, appropriate letter cases and then read their work to you.

Students participate in literacy groups daily. During this time they work in small groups with the teacher, practice decodable texts, work on the Lalilo app and engage in group guided reading circles. Please practice the skills pictured below at home. Students will be very familiar with this learning progression as they complete it in their word work journals. 

Novel Study
We are really enjoying reading "The Wild Robot." This week we discussed qualities of a good friend. Roz the Robot is truly teaching us some wonderful lessons! Ask your child how they can be a good friend to others.

Social Studies
K is for Key to Citizenship: *I recognize and respect how the needs of others may be different from my own.
-Students drew pictures and shared their ideas about how they are different and can respectfully support others by acting like a strong citizen.

L is for Land: *I can identify the significant features of landmarks and places in my community.
-Students picked out their favourite community landmarks. Andrew Sibbald School, McDonald's and Starbucks were some of the most popular selections.

We love math! We have been busy exploring various card games. Try the game below at home to build number fluency.

Use a regular deck of cards, and remove the face cards and jokers. Give each player two full suits (well, minus the face cards). This way, each player is starting with an equal amount of cards, and they also have the same assortment of cards. Ace is worth 1. Each partner turns over two cards. They should turn over their cards at the same time as each other. Whoever has the larger sum gets to keep all four cards. When 5 minutes has past the player with the most cards wins.

Student Voice
"This was the best field trip ever!" -Ava
"I am so proud of my journals."-Casen
"I like to be a helper in the class." -Kayden
"I like to read my stories to the class." -Everly

This is Us

Science Maker Space (Ozobots) 

Wow! This week students programmed their Ozobots to move at a variety of speeds. Ask your child about the colour combinations that made their robot move slow, medium, fast, turbo and nitro!

Around Sibbald
We love school spirit! Thank you to our fabulous Grade 6 students for organizing the "Gaga Ball" fundraiser. Their goal was to raise $1000.00 that will go towards the cost.  Students enjoyed purchasing lollipops to reach this goal.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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