We had another busy week in our grade 1 class. 

Our structured reading program is a huge hit. Thanks to all parents for supporting this endeavour. The students love it when we share your comments with each other. They’re so proud that you’re so proud!!!

In preparation for planning our “community” we have been discovering how to map. First we mapped our bedroom then our classroom. We learned that if you’re a fly on the ceiling looking down you basically see the top of objects unless they are laying on the floor, usually clothes or toys!!

In Science we are researching winter animals that hibernate, migrate or adapt to our weather. 

In Math we are continuing to solve math problems and expand our math language.

We have started a reading comprehension project where we read a short passage then answer questions about the passage. These answers could be multiple choice answers, written answers, or illustrated answers.

We had our clay residency this week and students did a great job of their project.  We expect these to arrive back at the school in three to four weeks.  

Have a great weekend.
Ms Carole and the Grade 1 students.


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